
Our client turned to Harbour Automation because they wanted to embrace the latest technology to seamlessly integrate various aspects of their home, from lighting and security to climate and shading control. With our expertise, they were able to transform their residence into a smart home that's not only convenient but also energy-efficient and secure. We take pride in providing tailored solutions that cater to each client's unique needs and preferences, ensuring that they experience the utmost comfort and convenience in their daily lives.

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Comfort & Cooling


CCTV & Security


Connectivity & Networking


More on the project

Aftercare & Monitoring

Harbour Automation orchestrated a seamlessly integrated a Control4 home automation solution tailored to meet our client's needs for simplicity and efficiency.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction extended beyond the installation phase, with Harbour Automation providing ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the continued performance and reliability of the smart home technology.

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Effortless living starts here

Looking to get in touch?

Leave your name, phone number, email address and the service you require, and our team will be in touch.

Enquiry Form

Your data is safe and secure, only used for contact purposes.


T: (0)1202 761 111

E: info@harbourautomation.co.uk


Marketing: marketing@harbourautomation.co.uk


Design: design@harbourautomation.co.uk


Tech Support: service@harbourautomation.co.uk


Accounts: accounts@harbourautomation.co.uk


Head Office & Experience Centre

Harbour Automation Limited

Unit 19, Slader Business Park, Witney Rd
Nuffield Industrial Estate
Poole, BH17 0GP


Multi ward winning business

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